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Study Renovation
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Study Renovation

Study Renovation

This couple approached RIA with a simple brief; to refurbish this study room completely. During last year’s pandemic the couple had to start working from home and realised that this room needs a major renovation to host both of them. The task involved to incorporate a large library to host an extensive book collection and ample desk space.  Here is the result of simple yet effective strategy, floor to ceiling storage, and a long horizontal desk to accommodate multiple users. Now, everything can be organised in its own space and we even managed to fit in a cosy armchair for that relaxing reading time.

Last two ‘photos’ are 3D computer generated visuals created by RIA STUDIO during proposal stages for clients to have a clear view of how the room would look like.

Photos credits to Frank Balzan Photography



Summer 2021




November 17, 2021


Interior Design, Residential Design